Myself, Alex and Eleisha have created out first draft of our script for our film preliminary task. We have decided to link this task to our main task of a horror film by doing this we have decided that this task will take place at a counselling session. This will then link to our later film as this same character will be in the horror film, due to the distress she will come to later is why she is in a counselling session now. Our script may change at a later date but this is what we have produced so far . . . .
Preliminary task – script.
Girl walks towards the counsellor’s door and knocks, she is nervous as she approaches door.Close-up of her feet walking, POV shot of door then a close up of hand as she knocks and waits.
Counsellor- Hello Lorna, please come in.
Close-up of counsellor
So what’s been troubling you?
Lorna- Um, well... I don’t really know if I’m being paranoid or not, I just feel like I’m being... followed. Like something is always watching me.
OTS shot of Lorna, then extreme close-up of counsellor making notes.
Counsellor- I see, have you been sleeping well or under and kind of stress?
Lorna- I can’t sleep, whatever it is its there watching me, like it’s trying to suffocate me.
Close-up of Lorna’s face as she becomes more nervous. Extreme close up of her hand scratching her arm.
Counsellor- Do you know what this ‘being’ looks like? Describe it to me.
Lorna- Its dark, with menacing eyes that just seem to penetrate my skin. It’s tall, doesn’t move much... just stands, staring at me.
Close-up of Lorna, slowly moves closer to her face.
Counsellor- Okay, well we will have to run some more tests, and have a few more talks with some specialists. But so far you are showing signs of a personality disorder and insomnia. Now you’ve made the first step-
OTS shot of counsellor.
Lorna- No, you don’t understand. It’s not in my mind; he’s there, really there. I’m not crazy I just don’t know what it is and I’m scared. Please you have to understand I just want this thing to leave me alone!
Fast edit to Lorna as she snaps, close up of her face.
Counsellor- I understand Lorna and we will get you the help you need. Everything will be okay, once you talk to a specialist and we can get to the bottom of what is bothering you.
Two shot of her and counsellor, then close up of counsellor as they try to calm her down.
Lorna- You’re wrong, I’m sorry I have to go now. I knew I shouldn’t have come.
Two shot of them both as she leaves, then long shot of her exiting room.
Counsellor- Lorna please don’t-
Lorna gets up and leaves room. Straight edits throughout.
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