Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Evaluation of AS Media Opening

Throughout the process of making our film opening my group and I faced lots of challenges which often forced us to change our original ideas, these changes I believe were made for the best and very much helped create our opening into what is it now.
Before beginning to create our film opening we had to do a lot of research into our chosen genre, which we decided was going to be horror. In order to get a good feel for this genre we had to analyze other horror film openings, we decided to do this for a selection of types of horror as this genre can vary and take many different routes as it’s quite versatile. After analyzing many different types of horror such as action based, jumpy and gory, we decided to use a combination of gore and shock tactics in order for our opening to be successful.  As a group we believe that we stuck very closely to the conventions of our genre. Not only did we stick by the conventions of the genre horror but I believe developed them also. Our film opening could be compared to other horror films such as Physco, Halloween and even Scream, I believe in doing this we have stuck to general conventions and developed them by combining the three with our own ideas. Our bathroom scene reflects the classic horror film Physco, we have only followed certain conventions from this film such as showing blood going down the bath plug hole and the murder taking place in the bathroom as we felt it fitted our opening well and worked effectively in order to create tension. Our film opening also follows many other general horror conventions such as the victim being vulnerable and naive to the intruder that’s come into her house, the victim is very much unaware of her fate. We’ve also followed conventions as the audience does not get a full view of what the murderer looks like, this is typical for the start of horror films, often the murderer is revealed later in the storyline in order to keep the audience guessing who it may be.
 Even within the camera shots we have used we’ve followed many conventions, such as using point of view shots for the murderer in order to keep his identity hidden. We had to choose the camera shots we used very carefully as this is vital for creating tension within our opening. We believe we created tension effectively by using shots such as an establishing shot of the house to start with, this helps set the scene of normality which later will be disturbed with a killing, by doing this the audience can relate to the normality of the scene therefore creating more horror for the viewer personally.
Our following shots were very much a mixture ranging from long shots to extreme close ups as variety is an important feature in keeping an audience interested and entertained. We used shots such as close up of both the victim and killer in order to make the narrative clear, this is something we believe we did very well. As the narrative was so clear it a very easy story to follow, we did this by continually switching the shots from victim to killer, this helps the audience know exactly what both characters are doing.
The switching between the victim and murderer is a convention often used in horror films in order to build tension as the constant switching between the both shows that in the end the two will meet, I believe we have done this effectively as this is what builds the tension within our film, particularly with the use of the soundtrack on top as the two together create a tense atmosphere.
Our soundtrack too follows the conventions of horror films as it starts off quite and not at all noticeable until action is taking place and the music becomes much louder and more intense. In order for the soundtrack to work in the right places we had to try a variety of different soundtracks and then watched the film and debated between us whether we thought it worked or not. We had to try a few different soundtracks before finding and using the one we did, even then we have used two different soundtracks in order to make both the tension and the murder work. I believe we have done this effectively as the soundtrack change helps create both atmospheres of tension and horror when it is needed. The first soundtrack starts off slowly with only quiet instruments being played such as the piano in order to create tension and give the start a creepy feel. The second soundtrack is very much opposite, it uses very loud instruments in order to foreshadow that something bad is going to happen, we have even timed the soundtrack to the film so when incidents such as picking up the weapon(the scissors) and standing outside the murder scene(the bathroom) there are loud bangs, this I believe is a very effective way of creating tension and getting the audience prepared for the murder. I don’t feel that we as a group have broken any conventions of a horror film in our opening as I believe this would be a difficult task to do when trying to be in keeping to the genre.
The social groups with have covered in our film opening is both youth and gender. Our victim obviously fits into both. Within our film opening we have very much shown males and females to be opposite. In a sense our film shows women as the ‘goodies’ and men as the ‘badies’. We have shown our female character to be the vulnerable victim, who seems to of done nothing wrong in order to deserve her fate. Whilst our male character is shown to be the brutal murderer, who’s been watching his victim, and is fully aware of his actions and wants to kill. This is a very typical way to show men and women as often it is a male who is the killer or the ‘badie’ within a horror film. We decided to choose a girl as our victim as this is a convention horror films use, it is often the weak fragile girl who dies as if it were a man being killed the male would normally put up more of a fight.
Generically horror films are targeted to a teenage and adult audiences and I believe our film opening reflects this, our targets audience is very much around the older teenage age group. This is because generally teenagers tend to watch and enjoy horror films more than the older audiences and certainly more than younger audiences as it would not be appropriate for anyone younger to watch this type of film. We had to be very careful when deciding out target audience as the gore shown in our film opening could disturb some viewers. I believe we have aimed it at our target audience well by having out victim at the same age, this way the audience can relate and sympathise more with the victim, also by having the victim at this age it will scare the audience more as they are just as vulnerable as her.
Through the process of making this film opening I feel I have learnt a lot about technology, particularly when filming. Our group faced many challenges when it came to actually recording our film, this is because we had to undergo many changes. To start with our film was a totally different storyline to what the end product is now we were at first going to be doing the majority of filming outdoors. Our original idea was to have a horror film that took place outdoors with a girl walking alone at midnight down an alley way. The girl was then going to see someone had written on the floor ‘I’m watching’ this was then going to trigger her to have a flashback of when she was in the shower and saw someone had written the words ‘ I’m watching’ on her walls. The film would then go back to the present where the girl would be terrified and receive a phone call with a voice saying ‘you know you shouldn’t stay out after midnight’ then the girl would turn around scream and die with the title then appearing ‘after midnight’, after this we was then going to have an end shot of the victims hand and then phone call still running. This idea failed as after we had filmed multiply attempts of outdoor scenes we realised the lighting was just not clear enough. At first we did not want to give up on our original ideas and so attempted to film outside when it was lighter in order for the footage to show up clearer but still the scenes were not good enough. We then tried to adjust the lighting and brightness on the software we were using to make the footage useable but this distorted the shots even more. We even tried using additional lighting in order for our idea to work but still the quality of the filming was not good enough this meant that we had to change our opening completely even down to the title we had chosen. As soon as we changed our idea and instead had the majority of the filming indoors we saw a significant change in the quality of our film, in having to go through this we learnt that lighting whilst making a film is extremely important and ideas don’t always go as first planned. I also learnt a lot of editing skills in making this film opening, I had never experienced editing properly before and found using the Apple mac imovie software challenging in places. Making our preliminary task enabled us to play around with the software and get a feel for what it is like. I believe that this task helped us a lot with our skills and now feel confident when editing as I learnt how important this process is when making any type of film. So when we eventually got round to editing our main task it was easier for us to use.
Looking back to our preliminary task I believe that we have learnt so much and our skills in filming and editing have developed dramatically. We can now edit and add in effects which are needed when making a film successful. Our preliminary task shows our improvement as it is not nearly as good as our main. We learnt that using other props such as tri pods are very important as many shots in our first task were very shaky and didn’t run smooth at all. We have also learnt that being organised is a key part in making a task like filming successful, when recording our preliminary task we were very unorganised having only a script and our own improvisations to work with, neither of which worked out successfully. I believe this is why our main task came out so well as well we had learnt that preparation is key in producing a task such as this, this is why we made sure we knew what we were doing before filming and the time and effort needed in order for it to work out as planned.
Overall I feel we have all worked well as a group and made the improvements needed for our ideas to be successful, if we were to redo our film the only way I feel we could make it better is by using a better camera as the quality of the filming I feel did not do it justice. I have thoroughly enjoyed making this film opening and I feel very proud of our end product, we have received amazing feed back by putting our film opening on the internet in the form of YouTube and other various social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

 Many said they thoroughly enjoyed the watch and some were even scared which was what we had hoped for. I feel we could not have achieved any more in making our film opening and I am extremely pleased with its outcome.

Our final production

Here is a link to our final draft of our main task, a two minute film opeing with our chosen genre of horror, after having to undergo some changes we are very pleased with our final outcome, hope you enjoy! P.S. Please ignore the 'aimersoft' logo that is shown over the top of our film

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

horror film opening script

Script ‘after midnight’
Start with an extreme long shot of the surroundings followed by a variety of shots of the area, credits will be small and white that will fade in and out as the shots change. Photo shots throughout the entire start.

Order of events . . .
1)      Girl walking down alley/street
2)      Gets paranoid, looks scared, fast head movements- looking around her and behind.
3)      Flashback of her in the mirror: seeing writing on steamed up mirror. Girl is ‘humming’ in the shower.
4)      Back to her staring at writing in alley.
5)      Girl answers phone ‘hello?’. Anon answers ‘Don’t stay out after midnight’. Then a blackout and ‘After midnight’ appears.
6)      Final shot of girl’s hand and phone on the floor, then blackout.

Mind map and story board of our horror film opening

Here is our story board for our main task of a horror film opening. We have tried to be as detailed as possible with our drawings and explanation of our shots. We have also included a mind map of all of our ideas for our film, including such things as sountrack and certain dialogue will we include.

Preliminary task

Tuesday, 7 February 2012
A nightmare on elms street is a very old film so the editing isnt going to be as updated. It begins with extreme close ups of someones hands who is making a new set of gloves. Fire and many different tools are used. Without seeing who the character is, it creates tension as to what this person is going to do with the gloves. After the knifes on the gloves are shown,  the title bursts through and stops it. The colours used are black red and white, which are the conventonal colours of a horror.After the title, the woman character is shown and she is purely against a white background. At the time this was made this is the simple the edit that they could use. Although it is effective as you focus purely on her and her emotions. After this we see her running through a dark corridor, and shes running from the white room she was previously in. The extreme long shot gets in her running with the corridor, its important for the auidence to see what shes doing. The goat that runs out on her is incredibly random but makes the auidence jump as they are on edge. The contrast of white and black occurs throughout, could white mean the way out?

Thursday, 2 February 2012

We also analyzed the opening of saw, we decided to evaluate this horror as it is rather different to any other as it mostly focuses on gore rather than scaring its auidences with ghosts etc.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

We deicded to evaluate the opening of the ring

Eventually for our main movie our choosen genre is horror. In order to make our film opening successful we decideded to research and evaluate other horror film openings. This way it is easier to follow the codes and conventions when doing our own opening. We have evaluated many different types of horror in order to be able to understand a range of horror films.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Here is our preliminary task story board, we analysed each shot we would film and drew them explaining what happens in each shot. We did this as a basic outline so we knew exactly what shots we needed when eventually filming. Although we understand that when filming the shots might not work out exactly how we plan it however we are using the story board purely as a way to keep ourselves on track when filming. We tried to make the drawings as detailed as possible in order to try and film accurately. We are unsure on a couple of the shots as the filming might be difficult, for example our first shot has to track the feet of someone walking. However we are going to try then at least if it doesn't work we can learn from it.

Friday, 14 October 2011

14th october 2011 - script for preliminary task.

Myself, Alex and Eleisha have created out first draft of our script for our film preliminary task. We have decided to link this task to our main task of a horror film by doing this we have decided that this task will take place at a counselling session. This will then link to our later film as this same character will be in the horror film, due to the distress she will come to later is why she is in a counselling session now. Our script may change at a later date but this is what we have produced so far . . . .
Preliminary task – script.
Girl walks towards the counsellor’s door and knocks, she is nervous as she approaches door.Close-up of her feet walking, POV shot of door then a close up of hand as she knocks and waits.
Counsellor- Hello Lorna, please come in.
Close-up of counsellor
So what’s been troubling you?
Lorna- Um, well... I don’t really know if I’m being paranoid or not, I just feel like I’m being... followed. Like something is always watching me.
OTS shot of Lorna, then extreme close-up of counsellor making notes.
Counsellor- I see, have you been sleeping well or under and kind of stress?
Lorna- I can’t sleep, whatever it is its there watching me, like it’s trying to suffocate me.
Close-up of Lorna’s face as she becomes more nervous. Extreme close up of her hand scratching her arm.
Counsellor- Do you know what this ‘being’ looks like? Describe it to me.
Lorna- Its dark, with menacing eyes that just seem to penetrate my skin. It’s tall, doesn’t move much... just stands, staring at me.
Close-up of Lorna, slowly moves closer to her face.
Counsellor- Okay, well we will have to run some more tests, and have a few more talks with some specialists. But so far you are showing signs of a personality disorder and insomnia. Now you’ve made the first step-
OTS shot of counsellor.
Lorna- No, you don’t understand. It’s not in my mind; he’s there, really there. I’m not crazy I just don’t know what it is and I’m scared. Please you have to understand I just want this thing to leave me alone!
Fast edit to Lorna as she snaps, close up of her face.
Counsellor- I understand Lorna and we will get you the help you need. Everything will be okay, once you talk to a specialist and we can get to the bottom of what is bothering you.
Two shot of her and counsellor, then close up of counsellor as they try to calm her down.
Lorna- You’re wrong, I’m sorry I have to go now. I knew I shouldn’t have come.
Two shot of them both as she leaves, then long shot of her exiting room.
Counsellor- Lorna please don’t-                
Lorna gets up and leaves room. Straight edits throughout.